Category index for “sublime”
Sublime Text and Language Server Protocol
Language Server Protocol (LSP)
LSP - protocol for interactions between IDE and language server. The latter provides such means like autocompletion, goto implementation and etc. When IDE needs to show autocomplete choices on, for example, python language - it sends a request to the special server. And it responds with the necessary data. The cool part here is that it is an initiative of a big company - Microsoft.
Sublime text and github gists
In Sublime text there are big variety of useful tools, that help to write code. I’ve learned only a small part of them, currently i’m trying to write in Vintage mode (vim style cursor management). But now i want to tell about integration github gists with sublime text. If you don’t now, github gists let you save snippets as a separate file without creation full repository. But it have many repository features - versions, possibility to fork.
Debug django project with embedded python debugger pdb
I use sublime-text as code editor. It doesn’t have a debugger, so to debug django projects i often used
print var_name
and look for output in local development server console. I use this approach today also, but sometimes it is great to run code step by step to see variables at each step.
It can be done with embedded python debugger pdb:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()