Category index for “mongodb”
Trying JSON in Django and PostgreSQL (and compare with MongoDB)
New JSONField will be added in Django 1.9, it can be used with PostgreSQL >= 9.4. Let’s try to work with it and find out, in what situations it can be useful.
Timestamp and ObjectId in mongoDB
Every record in mongoDB has field
, that must be unique inside collection. By default type of this field is ObjectId, and it is assigned automatically if field is not set.Lets look at ObjectId more carefully.
What you should know about mongodb indexes
Recently i’ve completed course “M101P: MongoDB for Developers” (periodically repeats, next starts at April). During this course i’ve found to myself interesting features of mongodb.
Tornado web application example
Tornado - async web framework for python. I’ll cover shortly pros and cons about tornado and introduce typical web project, that is built on top of it.
By describing pros and cons i mean my own point of view in compare with django.